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China Tops as Largest Foreign Buyer of Australian Homes

China Tops as Largest Foreign Buyer of Australian Homes

Hong Kong peak exodus

Hong Kong hitting ‘peak exodus’. Experts say UK, Canada, and Australia winners of Hong Kong’s loss

Hong Kong's "peak exodus' has led to an influx of Hong Kong citizens flooding real-estate markets across the UK, Canada, and Australia. Besides, according to Knight Frank's The Wealth Report 2022, the top three locations Hong Kongers are hoping to purchase homes are the UK, Canada, and Australia. Derek Tse, business development manager of the…

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National Rental Affordability Scheme

Lily Chong: Understanding the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) and Why Tenants Love It

Lily Chong from IQI WA  shares her insight into the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) and why this is so attractive to rentals. Recent statistic from the Real Estate Institute of WA indicated Perth vacancy rate has plummeted to 2.2% low, which is below the 3% rate in Sydney where there is a recognised “housing shortage”. Affordable…

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